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Comprehensive Privacy Notice for Images, Videos and Photographs for Dissemination


The Administration Directorate (hereinafter, “the Directorate”) of Café Ciudadano in Defense of Human Rights (CCDDH) is the area empowered to carry out the processing of personal data required to integrate the relationship of public servants and trained individuals of those interested in obtaining training, for the purposes of control, statistics, improvement, dissemination and, where appropriate, delivery of records, therefore, in order for you to know how we protect your data and the rights you have around this matter, you are informed:

Who is this privacy notice addressed to?

Individuals and public servants who are given training, attend events and / or informative talks or participate in games or contests organized by this association, as well as in other training events and public policies, in person and through electronic media. Likewise, it applies to trainers, instructors, lecturers and any other third party involved in such events, so if you find yourself in this case, it is recommended that you read this document in its entirety.

What is a privacy notice and what is its use?

The privacy notice is the physical, electronic document or in any format generated by the person in charge that is made available to the owner in order to inform him of the purposes of the treatment to which his personal data will be submitted.

Through this notice, the person in charge has the obligation to expressly, precisely and unequivocally inform the owners, the information that is collected from them and for what purposes, the existence and main characteristics of the treatment to which their users will be subjected. personal data, so that they can make informed decisions in this regard.

What is a personal data?

Personal data is considered to be any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural or collective legal person, established in any format or modality and that is stored in systems and / or databases.

What is sensitive personal data?

They are personal data referring to the most intimate sphere of the owner, whose misuse may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for it.

By way of example, but not limited to, those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health information, genetic information, biometric data, electronic signature, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, are considered sensitive. and sexual preference.

What is personal data processing?

The Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter, "the Law") defines treatment as the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of personal data, by any means. The use covers any action of access, handling, use, transfer or disposition of personal data.

How is my personal data held by individuals protected?

The purpose of the law is to guarantee the protection of the personal data that are in the possession of the obligated subjects, as well as to establish the principles, rights, exceptions, obligations, sanctions and responsibilities that govern in the matter.

Thus, the Law establishes various obligations in charge of those responsible for the processing of personal data, such as the privacy notice, in order that the owner of the data is informed about what personal data is collected from him and for what purpose. Similarly, it regulates the processing of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO), transmissions, the possibility of filing complaints for possible violations of the Law, as well as the means by which CCDDH will verify compliance with the provisions on the matter.

Now, in order to comply with the provisions of article 16 of the Law, the following is made known to you:

I. The identity and address of the person responsible for collecting them.

Café Ciudadano in Defense of Human Rights, Civil Association. (CCDDH)

Name of the person in charge: Verónica Gómez Cerón

Position: President of the Association


Telephone: 57361795 and Cell: 5519031426

II. The purposes of data processing.

Main purpose of treatment: Integrate the relationship of public servants and trained individuals in order to issue the certificates and other acknowledgments that are legally required and, where appropriate, administer the online registry, in order to control the amount and type of people who have participated in the activities carried out by the institute, for statistical, improvement and dissemination purposes, as well as those that are compatible and analogous with the training and public policies by CCDDH, both for users, as for participants, organizers and third parties.

III. Options and means that the person in charge offers to the holders to limit the use or disclosure of the data.

Consistent with the purposes for the processing of your personal data, there are no means to limit its use or disclosure.

IV. The mechanisms, means and procedures available to exercise ARCO rights, indicating the electronic address of the system to submit your requests.

The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition are commonly known as ARCO rights.

ARCO rights are independent. The exercise of any of them is not a prerequisite nor does it prevent the exercise of another.

The origin of these rights, where appropriate, will become effective once the owner or his legal representative prove their identity or representation, respectively.

In no case may access to the personal data of a holder affect the rights and freedoms of others.

The exercise of any of the ARCO rights is part of the primary guarantees of the right to the protection of personal data.

Right of access. The owner has the right to access, request and be informed about their personal data in possession of the obliged subjects, as well as the information related to the conditions and generalities of their treatment, such as the origin of the data, the conditions of the treatment of which are subject, the transfers made or that are intended to be made, as well as having access to the privacy notice to which the treatment is subject and any other generality of the treatment, in the terms provided in the Law.

Right of rectification. The owner will have the right to request the rectification of their personal data when they are inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, inadequate or excessive.

Right of cancellation. The owner will have the right to request the cancellation of their personal data from the files, records, files and systems of the person in charge so that they are no longer in their possession and are no longer processed by the latter.

The person in charge will not be obliged to cancel the personal data when:

  • They must be treated by legal provision.

  • They refer to the parties to a contract and are necessary for its development and fulfillment.

  • They obstruct judicial or administrative actions, the investigation and prosecution of crimes or the updating of administrative sanctions, affect public safety or health, public order provisions, or the rights of third parties.

  • Are necessary to protect the legally protected interests of the owner or a third party.

  • They are necessary to carry out an action based on the public interest.

  • They are required to comply with an obligation legally acquired by the owner.

Right of opposition. The owner will have the right at all times and for legitimate reasons to oppose the processing of their personal data, for one or more purposes or to demand that it cease, in the following cases:

When the data has been collected without your consent and this is required in terms of this Law and applicable provisions.

Even though the treatment is lawful, it must cease to prevent its persistence from causing damage or harm to the owner.

| Your personal data is subject to an automated treatment, which produces unwanted legal effects or significantly affects your interests, rights or freedoms and is intended to evaluate, without human intervention, certain personal aspects of it or analyze or predict, in particular, your professional performance, financial situation, health status, sexual preferences, reliability or behavior.

When the owner identifies that personal data has been associated or has been identified with a record of which he is not the owner or is included in a personal data system in which he has no correspondence.

When there are well-founded reasons for it and the Law does not provide otherwise.

These rights may be exercised indistinctly through the email of the person in charge of data management ( or in the way that suits the owner, either in writing or verbally, directly or through a proxy or legal representative, by certified mail or courier service, at the address where the Association is located.

V. Where appropriate, the data transfers that are made, and

In general, the personal data provided is considered confidential information, unless it is related to the provision of public resources or the exercise of a function of public law, assumptions in which they will constitute public information, in accordance with article 36 of the Law.

Outside of the assumptions established in article 37 of the Law, your personal data may not be transferred. It is important to consider that, in terms of the aforementioned article, transfers could eventually be carried out, in order to enforce the responsibilities and / or tax credits at your expense. Likewise, the personal information that you provide will be capable of being used for statistical and control purposes, for which, in advance, the greatest amount of data that could make the owner identifiable will be dissociated, in order to avoid an affectation with the publication and / or dissemination of data.

In all cases, it is important to mention that the publicity of your personal data will depend proportionally on the provisions of the various laws on the specific case and the expectation of privacy to which you are entitled.

The images obtained may be published through the media of this institute, ensuring that they are not identifiable in a particular way. However, you can establish communication at any time with the Association to address any concerns of yours regarding said situation.

SAW. The procedure and means by which the person in charge will notify the holders of changes to the privacy notice.

This privacy notice is a controlled document, it is identified with the number ******, approved on ** / ** / ****. It is important that you know, since these are the terms that govern the treatment at the time of obtaining your data. Any modification that this document undergoes must be reported in the section identified as "Privacy Notice".

However, this document may undergo changes, modifications and / or updates based on legal, administrative or improvement requirements, which may eventually change the terms and / or conditions in the processing of your personal data, therefore, in case If it is your interest to identify the current treatment of your personal data or to exercise your right, you are invited to consult the current privacy notice on the Association's website, at the following address ********** ******* in the Privacy Notices section, where you can consult and print this privacy notice.

Also, if you prefer, you can go directly to the Director of Administration of the CCDDH Association.

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